Visit to Highclere on 1st May 2023

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© Noel Rands 2023

The day started for the Secretary of the British Egyptian Society with a Full English after a comfortable night’s sleep at the Carnarvon Arms. I was joined with 7 other party members who also had stayed overnight. Choices were varied with one bravely choosing Eggs Benedict and was not disappointed.

I had asked for visitors to Highclere to arrive before 10am, 9,30 if possible, to have a prompt start and tempted them with an offer of coffee, tea, croissants or a Danish. The hotel gave us the top section of the pub area with a rather good-looking buffet. And so they arrived from far flung areas; Twyford, Winchelsea, Maidenhead, Croydon, Leicester, The Wirral and three brave souls who had escaped a flooded area; I sympathised with them until I realised it was Venice which is better flooded!

The previous evening, I had made a recce to Highclere to check that they could handle late arrivals. They could and were extremely helpful.

One member of the party had got lost and went directly to Highclere so we went in convoy to join them there. I took the tickets to the office and asked them to check. The senior receptionist came over and handed me the individual tickets and asked me to identify myself to the chief guide at the entrance as she needed to notify Lady Carnarvon. When I had asked about a guide, I never expected the Countess!

When I contacted Highclere about the booking, name dropping as usual, I had mentioned that the 6th Earl had been a customer of mine when I worked for Midland Bank on board RMS Queen Elizabeth. On one occasion we organised a lunchtime Cocktail Party in the Midships Bar for the Earl, Lord and Lady Howard de Walden and Seaford plus their daughter Camilla plus the Chairman of Gallaghers and his wife. When the Earl arrived Lord Howard de Walden said,” Hello, Podgy” We thought this was a bit rude until we realised it was “Porchy” as the subsidiary title is Lord Porchester! It was a very pleasant party and at one time Camilla Howard de Walden and the Chairman of Gallaghers were discussing the difficulty they had in finding new names for boats and horses! Sorry, I digress.

We started the tour and in the 2nd room this lady appeared in a rather grubby baseball cap and an inexpensive green dress and started opening windows. She greeted warmly Sherifa El Khairy, who is the Egyptian Ambassador’s PA,  and I realised it was Lady Carnarvon who I hadn’t recognised although I had met her often in the past. She was fantastic. Discussing the rooms and how some items had to be moved for the filming of Downton Abbey. She pointed out the silk wallpaper and went into details. It was such a privilege. She left with “See you by the Nile”. We toured the rest of the castle, chatting to helpful guides, and came to the entrance of the Tutankhamun Exhibition in the basement. “British Egyptian Society? This way please”! A rope had be erected to delay other visitors as we were swept ahead and Lady Carnarvon was waiting for us. She spoke about the 5th Earl and how he had out in £70,000 toward excavations. After his death his widow contributed a further £36,000 which the Egyptian Government then refunded, establishing their title to the items excavated. After his death, the family was hit with death duties and most of his collection was sold to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.

However, after the death of the 6th Earl, his butler asked “What about the Egyptian things?” and pointed out items that seemed to have been hidden away. The collection has been reinforced with some quite brilliant replicas. The Countess told us that it was opened officially by the then Egyptian Ambassador and she had had built a fake wall for the Ambassador and the 8th Earl to knock down as though they were breaking into the tomb., There was one amazing photograph, almost filling a wall, taken by the 5th Earl (and his cameras were on display) which was unique. However, she had offered the collection of photos to the new Egyptian Museum but they were turned down. With a smile, she left us for a Zoom Meeting with New York. What an amazing woman.

Most of us returned to the Carnarvon Arms for a group lunch which was a very jolly affair despite the Secretary getting cross over the delay in service, However, it did not detract from a most interesting day, which was enjoyed by the 22 members and friends, plus a small well behaved little girl, which comprised our party.

Noel Rands


© Noel Rands 2023