Hello There !

Welcome to my website … an open canvas which captures the passion and essence of my journey into new learnings such as photography, music, travel, art and poetry.
The lockdown inspired me to start afresh and hence my website was created as a platform to engage all budding and developing artists globally; writers, painters, fashion designers, chefs, tailors, carpenters, musicians and so on…. and I am enjoying engaging my family and friends into sharing their journey and hobbies too !!!
Explore the site and feel free to leave a comment, join me in sharing ‘your journey’, ‘your hobbies’ and any fresh career pursuits -Jean D’Souza

A bit about my Projects


My mum inspired me to start painting, her few motivating sessions while growing up as a young teenager sown in me the seed to paint in watercolours, my mum was an excellent artist who (bless her soul)did not get a chance to parlay her talents…
Further on my art teacher Miss Sumangala encouraged me, she was a mentor and tutor to me and I used to be overjoyed during her art classes at school. As life moved on I could not progress further as I started college and later moved from my hometown. After my mum’s passing demise I started water-colouring back again, it has helped me cope with bereavement and given me comfort from memories with my mum.


Once more my dad’s passion for photography instilled in me a deep liking and an exploring sense to photography. I recollect nostalgically how my dad lovingly made us pose under trees to avoid the harsh sun and assembled my family by monuments and edifices, by religious deities and popular statues, by flowers and fountains, lakes and mountains, …
I carry this family tradition and trend from my father, a trend that brought my family joy, abundant excitement and cherished memories and I hope someday my son would follow me too !!


 A majority of my schooling years were in Belgaum my hometown, I studied at the St Joseph’s convent high school then run by the Italian Canossian nuns and now run by our own Indian Canossian nuns. My music and singing teacher Sr Genevieve who incidentally also taught my mum singing and music was a highly talented music teacher with an amazing sense of musical ability. Sr Genevieve shared with me her passion and love for music imparting those invaluable skills and affinity to church music. Thus my love for music grew and it inspires us every time we sing!!!

Poems & Quotes

I was blessed to have some really lovely English teachers at my alma mater’s … Miss Meena, Miss Philomena and Mother Brigette who opened my mind and turned my attention to a amazing world of literature, especially poetry.
This passion took me to places vicariously while I also learned a lot by reading all sorts of unusual topics for a young child including green farming, preserving the environment, and human behaviours which made my learning practical and fun!.
Quotes are all from my uncle Cyril Carvalho who is a gem of a person. My uncle believes in practical wisdom and human goodness, and he goes about doing many acts of charity with an environment friendly vision.
He says “My conscience inspires and guides me in everything I do and say”!!
I hope that his weekly “inspirational reflections” on my homepage brings about goodness to our world!

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