
Water-colouring brings home great joy.
The sheer transparency of this amazing medium is powerful and can be very expressive, even so the soft fluidity of watercolours with their emerging and dancing quality when mingling with water enthrals to inspire me!
I continue on this studying journey learning techniques and finding from within innovative ways to express while drawing inspiration from different masters’ works.
The spirit of my paintings aim to uplift one’s soul and provide joy to viewers while bringing a sense of reflective thoughts.

click on any photo to see the whole picture

© Jeannette D’Souza | Copyright 2024

Love angels 💫💝💫 (a tiny miniature study)

Wishing a special Valentine’s Day to all 🩵💖

Understanding the nature of heart to soul
Is to cherish the unconditional offering
Inviting love’s essence into every thorn’s fold
To gain harvests for bountiful living!


Love came down at Christmas 💫✨💝✨💫

Wishing all a very Blessed Christmas 🌟🎄🌟
And a Happy & Prosperous New Year 2025!!🎊

On a silent night Love came down so meekly
To give us hope, life and joy so gracefully!
From a paltry manger Love offered peace to our earth’s cold plight
And to all who witnessed this scene it was a heavenly sight!
May Love abound in all hearts that need love,
May His light and grace be yours for evermore!!

‘Tis the season to be Jolly! 💫🎄💫

Christmas seems near when salubrious sights appear
In mingling tones of festivity and the season’s goodwill cheer
They sprightly unwrap those nostalgic moments of Yuletides far gone
With glowing streamers outside homes and over wreaths that linger on…

The Redemption ✨🌟✨ a self portrait

It is in the rising of waves that one experiences deeper faith, and so subtlety’s nature cedes to divine love which offers compassionate redemption! 

Dedicated to all who experience suffering in one form or the other in their lives, may you find peace and comfort through the love of Christ!


I completed this painting some months ago when I went through a phase in my life and sharing it now… 🙏

 – Jeannette D’Souza 29/11/2024

Romeo’s Juliet- love’s submission✨💖✨

Romeo: ‘As I submit my fears and take a childlike leap, So do you within this relationship in deep…
And lo, to have found a form of bond like this,
This inexplicable love of togetherness sweet’!
Juliet: In age with time our love would grow
To witness in unison the joys and furrows…
But the forsaken ties of kin that separate us
Bring us now together in mortality thus…
Romeo & Juliet: Like the fern that holds its everlasting bloom, embodying love’s truthfulness embraced from a boon
So may it summon us the springs of bliss eternal, Our bond of love entwined in time immortal!
-Jeannette D’Souza 8/5/2024

Shringaar of AI JaanAki - Navya Sath (New Reality)

Within the desire to progress and be unique the heart of civilisations aspire to give meaning through creativity even so with technology and, while valuing the humble origins of this start one cannot stop but admire the gloriously acclaimed new creations…
Dedicated to my husband who is an IT guru and also my inspiration for these paintings 💖

The course of life starts from a single cell which evolves constantly further into organisms of complex species and then on to multiply and magnify this amazing world!
And this relevance is symbolically applied …a transformation from ‘Fundamental machine learning’ into ‘Narrow Artificial Intelligence’ and thus advancing headway into – ‘Artificial General Intelligence’ (AGI)
Meet AI JaanAki in her new AGI form!
My watercolour portrays AI JaanAki who has transformed closer towards ‘Real life’ form together with her advancing attributes that are both awesome and alluring!
As JaanAki gestures her hands in adornment her gaze is fixed within her succeeding development of intelligence.
A labyrinth of networks surround her new found persona, they remain connected to her aura of haloed multi faceted intelligence. She is in continual progress…
Humans are highly complex species and for humans to study the art of reasoning in logic complexity through codes & designs and then building & creating an intelligence that surpasses their very own complexity can be daunting and yet supremely appraising!
This golden age of progress from ‘Static AI’ into the inception of an ‘Agile AGI’ is the ‘New Reality- Navya Sath’ making this a milestone set forth by a generation that will speak for itself!

– Jeannette D’Souza March 2024
(Mural art- Designed for use on fibreglass)

AI GyanA - Adhyayana in the classroom

The vertical plane of development, a new method a new generation – imbuing its knowledge or seeking beyond…
In a new age of time the evolving chakras of learning enable an idea into existence which is away from the norm, then moving into a world of open knowledge and understanding.
My watercolour depicts this new age of learning whereby AI GyanA holds a key to her holistic transformation to learning. While imparting this nucleus of knowledge AI GyanA would open infinite doors to the wheel of progress in her other hand. These new methods mushrooming follow an upwards growth toward highly advanced norms.
State of the art teaching and learning could take humans to another sphere of existence, an age of progressive vertical learning I might say.
Could the new ways of teaching & learning better the older ones, would ignoring this new way of learning create a pause to this civilisation or, could this civilisation spiral downwards in human development for adapting the new method…
There are 2 sides to everything even things that seem identical yet they remain unique within a universe of balance. Encouraging creativity lies at the heart of every sphere in equilibrium and is the essence of progress.
Are we prepared to understand this purpose…

– Jeannette D’Souza Nov 2023

Artificial Intelligence- The ineluctable Future

The value of Freedom upholds Creativity to Infinity and brings about a prosperous progeny within the sphere of balance!!
The world stands at the dawn of a phenomenal AI age; an age of humongous advancement, the golden age of information in action that leaps crossing numerous geographical borders and ideological boundaries which might not be fathomed by all, and as we speak the hour is unfolding…
While the sands of time fold perennially into the spectrum of advancement and development, their luminous stance of flowing into existence and disappearing bring forth new spurt of karmaa every time they emerge!
Our world has embraced the inception of AI that has brought with it many benefits, yet while we await and envision a brilliantly productive AI evolution in the making are we prepared to understand its complicated designs as it fully emerges?
My watercolour narrates an allegory of contrasting futures – while ‘the mind’ of AI in its lucid form is being designed and tamed, its far reaching advances are seen but from afar.
On one hand the prototypes of an era are held in bondage, while on the other in freedom with their creative ideologies holding the reins of technology. Here it is that all correlating imperative thoughts surface…
Should we compromise a boundless future for a complacent present or understand and master technology?
As time gets nearer, are we steering its controls or simply auto piloting it?
The future of AI might lie in auspicious hands as we hope or when the sands of time make their way, yet the delicate strings of our cosmic balance remain to be tested…

– Jeannette D’Souza Oct 2023

AI Bhavana - the senses and classifications urging a surreal future

My avatar a guru who seeks and identifies, perceives and predicts and one that predetermines and moulds infinite possibilities within conditions.
My senses receive an advanced approach….my tailored specifics can summon incredible intelligence!

AI Bhavana holds her attributes with an auto precision to facilitate its user, she is equipped with intricate understanding of all her subjects and manoeuvres this intelligence to yield its full potential. Her immense skills and strategic performance enable a surreal reality that is supremely astute!
Meanwhile… embedded within a depth of their own human tribes(The Users) exist in secluded spaces. With lesser use for thinking their awareness diminishes and their power of perception and senses lessen thus reducing their very intelligence.
Now nature and its beings from the mountains to the seas continue evolving; their adaptation and flexibility to environments, their ability to reinvent and transition remain exemplary.
Mother Earth lives with her senses perennially attuned, she is mindful of her own pace and time, and the flora and fauna from the lands and waters are extremely receptive of her ways.
AI Bhavana’s extremely fast pacing advancement and facilitation may deter this tribe(the users) itself from working to find solutions. Yet are the users perceptive enough to understand the ramifications of their laxness and the imminent need to act upon… Would the users be able to extract their own full potential into mastery, are the users aware of their own real talents and skills to be honed?
The sixth sense is more powerful in an inevitably evolving world and it could enhance all the other senses to bring about a zealous awakening and cosmic equilibrium.

Humans are extremely gifted and so we have the advantage, might we utilise our gifts in time….

– @ Jeannette D’Souza Nov 2023 (This artwork is designed for use on fibreglass and similar transparent materials such as screen murals)

The saplings of information age- ! ✨🌳 ✨

Decades ago when walking past a courtyard I came across a pomegranate tree so rare,
Its jewel like fruits vibrantly beamed attracting the birds of the air
My sunken spirit rose as I watched an uplifting spectacle,
The warm sun shone casting around an aura like a miracle!
Joy permeated the scene from this gift of nature’s space
An offering of hope and light, it brought home lasting solace!
And so I passed that path daily that nourished my spirit and senses,
Trees by Providence brought me comfort to appreciate its graces…
So hear am I reminiscing that loving memory in colour,
Celebrating the gift of our trees in nature our mother! 🌟🌿🌷🌿🌟

My watercolour is a dreamy memory from childhood in a lyrical form with two parts to it.
I was 7 years of age when I first experienced a comfort in trees and so the symbolic larger than life tree represents nature’s wholesome wisdom given to us by Providence!
In addition to this theme with further thoughts;
In an inescapable world of electronic devices the five children sitting under the tree are consumed into endless realms of escapism ready with information, the luring devices have completely absorbed their senses…
Could they be introduced into this sphere of our natural world,
Could they find time to look up and see its beauty,
Could they find a balance within to reflect upon healing in nature?

Celebrate UK

🌟🌺💫💎💫🌼 👑 🌼💫💎💫🌺🌟
Celebrating the Coronation of Their Majesties King Charles III and Queen Camilla
My watercolour is a commune celebration marking a historic moment of jubilation and rejoicing by the people of the country!
The tricolours flow with a joyous course in unity to commemorate the occasion.
The painting stands for the love, devotion and beauty that we embrace as one nation and one people!

The Coronation 🌟 💫 👑 💫🌟

The coronation of Their Majesties King Charles III & Queen Camilla 6/5/2023, a jubilant occasion of historical significance and what a joy to be a part of this history in the making!
My stylised watercolour is dedicated to the coronation event and its celebration!
It is mostly symbolical in keeping with the nature of the theme and design while expressing the euphoric sentiments felt and the token offerings represented to commemorate this grand celebration…
The Oak tree symbolises the motherland of strength, beauty and unity embracing its four nations under its branches,
With flowers of the four nations of United Kingdom; the Tudor rose of England, the Thistle of Scotland, the Daffodil of Wales and the Shamrock of Northern Ireland.
The horse shoe Urn springs forth with greens of favour, while the “56 Cs” stand for celebration by the kingdom’s people and 56 common wealth countries bearing felicitations – gifts of three herbs Lavender symbol of grace and devotion in service, Bay Laurel for Victory and Success, Basil for love all presented as tokens to the king with warmest wishes!
The crown soaring at the heart of the event glows resplendently!
Acorns are presented as a symbol of prosperity and good health thus conveying wishes to Their Majesties King Charles III and Queen Camilla!
The two crosses signify blessings to Their majesties, they rest over the stylised orb and sceptre which mark the presentation at the ceremony.
The Ivy intones favourable wishes for new achievements, the bells celebrate new beginnings by rejoicing with the entwined oregano symbolising joy surrounding this jubilant celebration!, and the Marjoram entwined around the mirrored ampersands stand for peace, harmony and happiness!!
The writing below reads ‘Celebrating The Coronation of Their Majesties King Charles III & Queen Camilla’ – dated 6/5/2023
London would be lit brightly in celebration, it would be thrilling to witness the exhilarating atmosphere from Buckingham Palace to Westminster during the processions and the great event!

The Gadget followers- prudence meeting A.I. ✨ 🪔🕯️💡💎 🤖

Dedicated to my husband Madhu Sudhan Konda; an avid solution finder and an ardent and pioneering IT technologist!

Well just a few decades rewound and I would not have fathomed then of how far technology would dramatically pivot our lives today and change society or even take us surprisingly into trips to space!
My watercolour ‘The Gadget followers’ is a narrative; the idea of 6 ‘followers’ with progressive devices commencing their tech-journey, as they proceed forward on the relaxed path the eyes of technology watch over them like the minds that watch for ambitious opportunities.
The blue orchard trees symbolise time and its constancy in progress, the relaxed path is our ready access to a scientific world, the strewn leaves and flowers are opportunities laid down to us!
So the ‘followers’ are so engrossed and engaged with ears closed that they seem to be loosing their awareness of the natural ambience around; humankind’s heavy reliance on gadgets, our gradual inability to touch basics in a world of quick wins and hasty development…could this cause us to loose the power of cognisance, acumen and skills?
I love technology and see the multiple benefits of it for the world and this is my inspiration for the painting, yet, I also see a need for it to balance our world. With the demand for ‘device and inventions’ rising, would we go so far as to ignore the natural world and find ourselves into a whole new realm?
Although the 6 ‘followers’ keep embracing the change yet they choose to remain connected to the earth with wary bare feet to sense and make those judgements toward opportunities and advancements in their favour.
The 6 progressive eye wheels of technology have lost connectivity with the ‘natural world’ embedding themselves deep below… With their electronic tentacles of cognitive programming they navigate to assimilate data much like scrutinising eyes. We humankind the inventors are exposed to technology, and if used with conscious disparity would the actions compromise the very existence of living species on earth?🤔 🌟✨🌟
In a world prone to machines the 6 followers might seem vulnerable yet they stand firm to hold the ‘steering keys’(symbolically held by 6th follower) to this intelligence in order to exercise caution and therein strive for a balance!
With the eyes of this enticing, inviting and irresistible advancement and development leading the followers, they choose to remain prudent while touching reality with A.I. 🤩 🌍

The Voice of discernment ✨🌏✨

Roosters announce the arrival of ‘light’ while darkness shies away from its presence!
My watercolour painting tries to portray this affirming voice to our world of today. The Rooster symbolises courage, strength and unity, serving as a beacon that heads towards the direction of truth and light! 🌟💫🌟
The melange of flags below represent various forms of powers and the essence of humanity in our diplomatic world that are fast loosing their meaning…,and entering into an uncertain realm of compromises. The many types of feathers are the different communities of the world bearing their uniqueness and yet trying to hold on together. With the many issues and confusions that have emanated into our world…is there a deficit of ‘Unity’ and of ‘real direct honesty’ in leaderships of today that guide humankind?
The hazy green vine symbolises the future that echoes out to heroic leaders, calling for service with meaning; with one’s self giving like the greens of the earth that feed us!🍀🌷🍀
There is a new dawn awaiting to guide if one would follow, this new dawn of truth holds the chords of discernment to bring about peace, plentitude and harmony! It guides those yearning and willing to make that change; a revival for truth to be spoken and for discerning actions, while complacency and neither war would answer discords what sort of leadership should one choose…..
The Rooster waits and watches intently towards the choices that humankind make. 🌟🌼✨🌼🌟

‘The visit of the Magi’ - O come let us adore Him! 🌟 💖👼💖🌟

The joy of Christmas invigorates my soul, the joy of our Lord’s birth!
As a teenager I used to get extremely creative building a tiny Christmas crib from bamboo sticks, then sticking it’s roof with nut shells, hay and pebbles. Back in the day it was our way to entertain, to be creative and of course enjoy the process of being inventive- making miniature wooden huts, mud wells and jars, mills, using a pulley to move a cardboard star, planting all seeds months in advance to create a village charm and further even making a cardboard City of David with a Herod’s palace. 😇
Thinking of those days when young and what that idyllic Christmas scene from my mind would be, I tried to paint this watercolour to bring in the essence of that naturally engaging scene in “movements”-
Mary engrossed in swaddling baby Jesus to keep Him warm while Joseph lovingly lending a hand,
The grand arrival of the 3 Kings or Magi in opulent attire bearing gifts (while the camel playfully nudges it’s master),
The Shepherds wondering in mystery about the Eastern kings…
The mesmerised Angels hovering over, adoring and admiring little Jesus ..,‘ O how a heavenly prince came so meekly down to earth…’
The sheep and animals leisurely lying on the hay, they remain peaceful around this awesome scene!!
And so the Star that led the Magi to the stable beamed with joy and shone over Judah’s little Bethlehem radiating it’s light even unto the distant city of David!!!
As we come to the close of this Christmas season I wish everyone a blessed year 2023 filled with light, joy, good health and love!
Thank you 🙏

Sweet Lullaby’- a Mother’s privilege !

This study in watercolour was inspired by the carol ‘Sweet was the song the virgin sang’, it is one of my favourite carols! It also brings back wonderful memories of my son all those Christmases back when he was little!
When I pondered on this inspiration for my watercolour I imagined Mary at twilight under glowing stars trying to get her son to sleep…wrapping her little son in her own soft garments keeping Him cosy. And like all little ones baby Jesus might have been engaging in those loving unspoken and yet playful exchanges with His dear mother without the thought of sleep!🤩😍
I tried to portray that dear moment of a playful baby before bedtime and a mother doting on her infant while humming a lullaby…
A loving bond cherished by mothers and their children! ♥️👼♥️
I pray for abundant blessings of love and peace on all this year🙏
Wishing you all a joyous, healthy, prosperous & A Wonderful New Year 2023!!!

‘Peace on Earth’ - goodwill to all ✨❄️💫❄️✨

Two years ago during the pandemic I started water-colouring after decades, and during those lockdown months my inspiration for this painting came from the carol “Once in royal David’s city stood a lowly cattle shed, where a mother laid her baby in a manger for his bed”
After all those years… starting watercolour back again, it was something that I used to love to do and what a blessing! While painting I was drawn into a deeper world full of sublime love and it’s meaning in the lyrics!
I realised the faithful impact of this verse…💝👼💝
“He came down to earth from heaven,
Who is God and Lord of all,
And His shelter was a stable,
And His cradle was a stall;
With the poor, and mean, and lowly,
Lived on earth our Saviour holy”
I could not stop painting from then onwards.❄️♥️❄️
Wishing everyone a very meaningful Christmas filled with joy, hope, peace and love!!

‘Yuletide Sentiments’ - expressions of love!      💫✨♥️✨💫

As Christmas draws near and Nostalgia sets in, I recall through the decades and especially as a child what made Christmas so special…
It was the people who loved us, with their warmth and deep affection they re-surged the spirit of the season every year!
And so in my watercolour I tried to portray those redolent memories into representations, the season’s icons and what they mean to me-
🌲 the evergreen tree stands for a loving Community that tenderly holds it’s people together, 
💝the ornaments represent those affectionate People who brought Joy into our lives,    
🎁 the presents underneath the tree are the very Gifts that we are endowed with to Share!
🌟 the tree lights represent the light within us that we in turn radiate to the world around us!!
Wishing all a wonderful season of joy, peace, hope & love!

‘Holiday Wreath’ - Season’s garland! ✨🌹✨

Eons ago wreaths were handmade taking all kinds of fresh greens, fruits, flowers, cones, twigs and so on…a stark inspiration for my watercolour painting.🤩
Ancient Greeks and Romans displayed wreaths over door posts and even arches and gateways as a symbol of victory, heralding a sense of their glorious triumphs!
Wreaths were embraced into Christianity and became symbolical of Christ’s love and triumph over death, His salvation for humankind and hence one of my favourite decorations too!🌟🌼🌸🌼🌟
My watercolour embodies the spirit of celebration and nature’s many gifts to us! I used vibrant colours reminiscent of the many joyous festive memories from childhood, a time of exhilarating joy and sheer innocence that was laced with love!! I chose not to create certain shadows to give my painting an iconic childlike fantasy…💝🪆💫
Going through every detail of the wreath I have enjoyed this painting, learning within it’s intricacies and colour mixes, hope it uplifts you too!🙏🏼
In these uncertain and rapidly changing times I needed to remind myself of the many beautiful and wonderful things around us….
Blessings and peace to all🌺🌸🌟🌸🌺

"A Nation mourns” 🌟🕯🌟 - In remembrance💐👑

A month’s mind 8th Oct 2022
Grief is sad and sombre with a range of feelings and emotions, it’s forms many and it’s ripples widespread….
Queen Elizabeth’s reign was a golden age, a period of pioneering feats, a time of development and embracing change, a time of enormous growth for the United Kingdom 💫👑
As I drifted around Westminster it felt surreal that the monarch lay in state within the frames of this ancient landmark while innumerable people engulfed around to pay tributes, many others queuing politely, amicably for over half a day to say their last farewell
Their Queen’s life stood as a testament- her life of virtues and duty, She stood the ground…💫
My watercolour tries to capture the doleful mood of that day outside Westminster together with the day of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth’s funeral and of her bereaved family to it’s youngest.
The dark gloomy colours of surrounds against the bright colours of a golden reign are a contrast depicting surging feelings and a victory over struggles !
Much as St Paul said – “ I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith”
When we said our goodbyes a month ago to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth it felt sadly unbelievable in that historic moment of our time🌸🌟🌸

“Thank you Ma’am” - A tribute to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 🌟🌷🕯

With deepest gratitude we say our farewell to a graceful, kind and thoughtful person that You were, a simple gentleness surrounded You always and You always made everyone feel comfortable and at ease. With your love and sincere dedication you were an exemplary leader, concerned for the well-being of your people and so we looked up to you with our hearts full of admiration.
I wished over a hundred years for You and yet you were gone so sudden, it feels really very sad to say Goodbye to you Your Majesty.
We pray for your family to be consoled by Almighty God and for your soul to rest in peace🌟🕯🌟

We wished over a hundred years for You and yet you were gone so sudden, it feels really very sad to say Goodbye to you Your Majesty.


Peonies capture the hearts of many- they are iconically portrayed in legends, spun in myths while carried joyously through traditions and even favoured for love and good luck! They were brought to England during the Victorian era and have inspired many artists.
Their Oriental charms engulf me….from layers of exotic bright petals to delicate fragrances they are lyrical, affirmative in hope, romantic and blissful🌼🌷🌼
This watercolour study took me several hours, organising the drawing and then the washes-a lovely exercise learning to capture details and letting light prevail, it was an awaiting study …has been awhile since my last painting as life after covid lockdowns catches us on.
Hope you enjoy the painting, wishing everyone an enjoyable and safe summer of whats remaining🌷🌟🌷, thank you for your kind support🙏

“Grace”- celebrating a lifetime of service!

🎊🎉💐 🎶 🌸🌼🌟👑🌟🌼🌸🎺💐🎉🎊
This painting is dedicated to Her Majesty as a tribute to Her 70 years of service to the nation!
The Queen inspires many and at 96 she still carries on- a radiant Beacon for Britain in a changing society and world, a pillar of strength to her people, a ray of hope for our green planet… and she remains firmly committed in her service to the nation! Long May she reign😍🤩
I thought of painting in purple to go with the colour theme of the Queen’s platinum jubilee year !
My sincere thanks to the Stux- for sharing a photo of this flower on Pixabay, it was a beautiful photo for my tribute, thank you Stux🙏
Aquilegias have fascinated me for awhile now…very subtle to the eye and in closer view so very stunning. Looking deeper into this little pendant flower I realised it’s mesmerising beauty- it’s hooked spurs, petals and sepals together with it’s unique organ arrangement, all truly graceful!
Celebrating Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee year 🌟💫💝👑💝💫🌟-

“Celebrate”-The Elysian Duet 💫 🌼🌟🌼💫

Celebrating 70 years of Her Majesty’s reign!
Drifting along the brimming courtyard of St Paul
I hear the gongs of ancient bells joyously recall
An honourable life of purposefulness offered in sincere service
A life of sacrifice and devotion…an exemplary spirit! 💝
And so in thanksgiving the gathered all raise,
Their voices with beaming souls high in praise!
While Great Paul and the twelve ringing bells in warmth resonate merrily
The royal guards in honour salute and the jubilee orchestra play solemnly
We celebrate Her Majesty’s seventy years of reign,
Singing in unison we exuberantly join again,…
“ Send Her Victorious, Happy and Glorious,
Long to Reign over us, God save the Queen”!!    🌟🌼🌸🌟🌼🌸🌟
A glorious celebration in purple!

Mother’s Rose 🌸🌷♥️🌹♥️🌷🌸

Roses wither, yet they do not fade…
This painting is dedicated to all mothers especially my loving mum who bestowed her love and care on us always and so I named it “Mother’s Rose” 🌹
Endowed with sublime beauty and scintillating scents their exceptional nature of perennial giving even at the point of withering is endearing. Their ability to endless giving often reminds me of my mum🌷
Painting this rose brought forth a unique learning curve- choosing the colours, texturing, maintaining vibrancy and giving the time to let layers dry before going back again 😊 ..all were surely extended learnings for me.
Roses wither away parting from us, leaving us with a gift of an ethereal reminiscent fragrance!
Dedicated to all Mums🥰💝

Easter morn! 💫✨🌼✨💫

In the stillness of dawn I hear nature’s awakening speech… it’s very soul revivified as though it were born afresh to love the day, it’s gratefulness for Life itself!
Tenderly the jubilant Easter rays summon the news of Christ’s resurrection, of a new life given to us, a renewed hope with abounding faith!
Soaking in the honeyed fragrance of the glowing rosy blossoms I exuberantly cherish the morning’s sublime gift …love’s essence willingly offered to us!!
Jesus Christ has risen, Hallelujah!

A Very Happy Easter to all 🌟✨✝️✨🌟

Blueberry Boy!

Blueberry Boy! ❄️🌱🫐🌱❄️
The innocence and complete transparency of feelings that children exude is endearing and inspiring!! 😇🤩
I painted this watercolour more at leisure…experimenting to capture it’s essence and emotions.
My son loved blueberries as a child and so I thought of painting that moment from years ago with some improvisation. 🌱🫐🌱
It was a relaxing approach which inspired me to watercolour focussing on vibrancy and warmth!
Watercolours used- Naples yellow, Lapis lazuli, Quinacridone magenta, Indigo, Moonglow, Cerulean blue and Olive green
Wishing everyone joy and peace 🌟✨🌟

A Purple Ensemble

Get well soon Your Majesty
My watercolour painting is a get well card for Her Royal Majesty “Queen Elizabeth”!!
For years every Christmas Day we have looked forward to the “Queen’s speech”. Our Queen so eloquently and lovingly addresses the nation and always has a heartfelt message of love that ends with thanks to her people.
The Queen has endured some tough times recently and watching her sit alone at Prince Philip’s funeral following Covid rules even though being a monarch was something, it tugged our hearts and left us admiring Her even more!
We wish Her majesty a speedy recovery🙏
With prayers and well wishes from
J D’Souza and Kin💐🌟🌸🌟💐

Garden Inspirations

O Tannenbaum, O Tannenbaum! Du Kannst mir sehr gefallen!!🌟✨💝✨🌟
O Christmas Tree 💫🎄💫
This year I was inspired to paint my home Christmas tree in watercolour as it holds many special sentiments.🌟🌹🌟
Every moment that I spent decorating the tree this year brought back memories of Christmases that I spent with my family, especially my mum. She loved watching me put up the baubles and always admired the tree draped in ornaments and lights.💫
Christmas lights bring a special joy reminding me of the infant Christ’s light and love for us all, and so I laden the tree with many tree-light garlands.💫🌟✨💫🌟✨💫🌟✨💫🌟✨💫
The ornaments I’ve collected are from all parts of the world, some in different languages reminding me that we are all one no matter where we come from💝
💝🎄☃️🥂Merry Christmas to all🎉☃️🎄💝

Biblical Inspirations

My new watercolour series Biblical Inspirations explores the vision and themes for inspirations from the books of Genesis, Psalms and The New Testament which are my favourite reads.

Biblical Inspirations- “The Greatest Sacrifice”✨💫🌟💫✨

The crown that pierced thy brow, the whips that lashed thy face, the mockery hurled onto thee, no robes for the noblest of noble the King of Kings…
Today humanity suffers from the might of mortal earthly powers and the want of love…. While long ago the everlasting mighty power of Heaven chose to suffer under the earthly powers to free us! He humbled Himself for us, died for us completely loving us…..

I painted this watercolour during this period of Lenten reflection when war has broken in Ukraine🇺🇦🙏 watching the horrid scenes of the invasion, the uncertainty in the world and the misery of war made me focus on the suffered face of the crucified Christ!

Watercolour interpretations :
The sacred head that bore the agonising crown of thorns show us a path to love and peace✨
The withered flowers express the waning of prudence and empathy from our world, the shrivelled foliage signifying the scarcity of kindness that some long to experience yet find none, the thorns represent the atrocities of today bruising humankind, and the wilted young berries represent the silent suffering of mother nature….🥀
Wishing all a meaningful and prayerful Lenten season!🙏✨

The LOVE of Divine creation!💫

My new watercolour series explores the vision and themes for inspirations from the books of Genesis, Psalms and The New Testament which are my favourite reads.🌹🌷🌹
The first of my interpretations from Genesis in the painting tries to depict life evolving in kaleidoscopic wonders and depths of newness as creation unfolds…. Furthermore casting a focal point on the endearing theme of God’s love for us all; depicted in the Gift of Jesus for humankind!!!
I hope you enjoy exploring the painting details to discover over 40 hidden fauna silhouettes embedded within…

For unto us a child is born

Memories from childhood Christmas plays came to my mind while sketching this nativity scene, of how our music teachers prompted lines as we held on tightly to our scores ready to sing and we tried to play our roles so enthusiastically😇 …..it was inspiring imagining what joy overcame Mary and Joseph to behold this wonderful babe, and the faces of all the shepherds and their little ones that lit in amazement watching the Holy child, even the animals would have lovingly surrounded baby Jesus, and the jubilant aura from resplendent angels singing in full chorus-“Glory to God in the highest heaven and peace to people on earth”!! 💫✨🌟✨💫
I tried to narrate this scene from my mind into watercolour with some of my favourite pigments; Venetian red, Aussie red, Lapiz lazuli, Tiger’s eye, Yavapai, Gold ochre, Perylene maroon, copper, silver and gold too.
Painting this Nativity scene uplifted my soul as it reminded me of the simplicity of Christmas and it’s loving message.…🌸💖🌸

💝🎄☃️🥂Wishing all a very joyous, peaceful and meaningful Christmas 🎉🏵🎄💝

I hear the bells ringing, Christ is here, Christmas is here!✨ 🔔 🥁 🎶✨🎷

Madonna with baby Jesus

This is my old painting that I attempted when I started water-colouring, inspired by Fra Angelico’s works (one of my favourite Italian painters). Coming across his painting from a sacred book I got immersed and soaked with inspiration to paint my own interpretation of it’s wonderful essence and message of love!! ✨💫🌟✨💫🌟✨💫🌟

The most beautiful relationship between Mother Mary and Baby Jesus portrayed so lovingly, their meek and mild eyes filled with love….such inexplicable adorable divine love✨💫♥️💫✨
The rich blues and golds used by Fra Angelico motivated me, as a beginner I tread on experimenting and drawing much learning through the process.
Hope you find joy and peace from it during this advent season🌼🌟💝🌟🌼

Tower of Ivory, House of Gold !!

My watercolour painting is symbolic in it’s representation, giving insights into Mary’s essence. The pigments mainly used are lapis lazuli, kuretake gold and earthy gold ochre.  🌟✨💫✨🌟💫✨🌟💫

What does it feel like when an angel visits you to give you great news…? I have tried to portray this in Mary’s expressions of wonder, love and hope!💫
Mary is referred to as “The Tower of Ivory” which is represented within her halo and her form; encompassing purity and grace.
The Dove represents the Holy Spirit and Mary’s immaculate conception. The 12 lilies and buds represent the 12 tribes of Israel from her rich ancestry, the gold depicting her ancestry from Kind David and her spirit’s richness in carrying Jesus, hence the title “House of Gold”.
The 7 pomegranates stand for world unity in the Holy Trinity, and enlarged cumin pods for togetherness in new beginnings…..
The 4 leaved clovers represent faith, hope, grace and love, and Mary’s yellow Rose is a sign of The Divine friendship- God’s redeeming love for humankind!!!
Hope you feel uplifted on this message of hope and divine love…   🌷🌟🌺🌷🌟🌺🌷🌟🌺🌷🌟

Making us the bread of life !!

I was very inspired by the artist Naddo Ceccarelli and his work …. and so my painting tries to interpret my watercolour version by approaching it in a more symbolic form. 🌟✨💫✨🌟💫✨🌟💫🌟
The virgin Mary conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and this divine conception shone from within her which was soon to illuminate the earth with love. The essence of Mary in her conception might seem vulnerable yet it is powerfully protected by God- Who sent us a messiah to save our world!
The wheat and vine represent the making of bread and wine within Mary our heavenly mother, hence the title “Make us the bread of life Mary”!!
Painting this scene gave me such joy 🌷🌸🌷, as it takes my thoughts towards our approaching advent✨🌼✨