© Jeannette D’Souza
Chai talks in leisure socks
Walking through a distant memory
I soon paused to ponder over a silent alley
It was to reminisce fondest memories of grandma and her fascinating stories,
Of those chai talks in leisure socks, all brimming at her scintillating soirées!
Yet even long before that was a time I knew, when cheer found no expression
And this alley’s laughter was meagre to share, all cloaked in suspicion
Folks spoke little and went quietly about their affairs each way
In their boredom ruminating as to where their happiness lay…
For, fun-filled gatherings were shrouded in fear and so people hid in their superstitious depths,
It only got them drooped in silent tears and hopeless melancholic days
Yearning for ‘joy in living’ the older community looked out for a change in site
They wished there was heed given to this their unacknowledged plight
Now eagerly awaiting this miracle when a sudden change did occur one summer’s night,
And to everyone’s wonder it was an awaited welcome sight…
It came by unknowingly, draped in a sea blue saree that held a sincere expression
For this teacher of cheer came beaming by to eliminate dispirited impressions
Snapping out of my thoughts I noticed the time-worn verandahs succeeding in vibrant colours
They brought back overwhelming memories of those by-gone recipe’s and their quintessential flavours
Circling my stance around the timeless hedges of green locks
I got nostalgically swept into our cosy dilapidated blocks
They sent me whirling back into thoughts,
As I recalled grandma’s chirpy entry into this neighbourhood’s mystified lot!
Grandma Rosemary stepped into our quiet alley to brighten those mundane clocked pre-evenings,
Bringing with her a spark of wits and some valuable practicalities
She quickly reached out to neighbours over doorsteps genuinely enquiring of their welfare
And ended up engaging them for a chai and chat in order to dispel their despair
Our indistinct neighbourhood soon stirred
And from nowhere gathered many…
Intently they listened to a fellow familiar narrate
Life’s Intrepid ventures aplenty
They out-poured their feelings too onto this newly found remedy
Wondering in thankfulness that this source surely is a boon’s bounty
As their ears got tuned to grandma’s profound perceptions,
They hovered around our parapet narrating life’s scores by the dozens
Yet grandma’s stories were seasoned and coated throwing in her charisma so enchanting
To everyone’s delight she sprung like a lotus from a quiet pond, all very inviting!
Now daily at the strike of a span gathered they
Chatting around on our street’s verandahs decked from clay
Sitting in their favourite spots their eyes would begin to sparkle
Like the enamoured children lured by a piper’s melody
And so, not withholding her passion for forthright thoughts,
Grandma’s reflective paradoxes poured out steeped in life’s humorous plots!
Soon fresh pakoras and spicy bhajas by cart-pedlars came to be sold
To the whiff of chai poured by my mother and neighbours from of old
Over marigolds and jasmine twirls their whiffs drifted
Over pedlars’s fruit carts and my seasonal surprises
And Oh! the ‘mazza’ of it all sparkled my newly inspired senses!
Grandma’s chai community grew even larger by her vivacious rhythm
Each addition bringing in an account of their own..
Their empirical versions abounding, at times loony
While others daring and risky and some stupendously funny
Yet there was a lesson in each account to treasure
With instances of reflection and laughter being their measure!
The older folks soon started thinking of their unit’s welfare
Of bringing their older community together in well being to share
They cooked in turns many delicacies bearing many constitutions
I remembered the yummy savouries when invited to partake with discretion
How I relished every morsel while listening to their chai chats after meals
It all began to imbue within those wise words and folk lores tunefully pleasing!
From discussing health issues, bringing in herbs to initiating magnetic therapies…
Grandma thus opened gates of practical wisdom among the gated communities!
I remember Grandma speaking of family life and its undulating stances
Of sadness and happiness and all of life’s incentives
Her mellow narratives many a times spiralled in articulated rhythms
While listeners slurped on spiced tea made from cardamoms and cinnamons
How the aura and radiance permeated me in this atmosphere of infusions
Leaving me thoroughly influenced to apply the lessons learnt from grandma’s conversations
Her popular anecdote was- ‘Every home and neighbourhood has a familiar unflavoured story,
Those who never speak ill of it were considered wisely’
Yet there were other life’s tales she spoke of, those mystical instances…
Not long before she had worked as a security supervisor at the Gokak Falls mill-
One hot day, when lying down by a tree after a meal during a break
A cobra crawled from the rear tree up her slender neck
It stationed majestically near her head in a watchful tone
It wouldn’t move nor hiss as it settled its bone
Bewildered passer-bys saw this spectacle and came to stand firm
Knowing the safest course was to stay still while the lady was resting unbeknown
Yet later they tried to distract the serpent away
But it hissed to open its hooded display
And finally when the lady came to awaken
The snake quickly traced back to retrieve its burrowed position
Then there was this instance that I clearly remember
Grandma spoke of encountering spiritual souls
Once… as she walked from a jungle toward home in sandals torn,
All but lost in her young widowed grief thinking of circumstances forlorn
Then, further from the jungle side-paths she crossed into tracks unknown
And felt the sun going down in despondent sobs alone
Sooner from nowhere appeared a mysterious man
Clad in white kurta dhoti bearing a staff in one hand,
With his countenance covered by the vermillion setting sun
He enquired of her anxious nature and of her destination
Then he listened quietly with empathy in his bearing to her rendition
While he spoke not a word yet somehow it calmed her trepidation
Grandma gestured toward a village narrating her woes
While pouring out her shocked heart that had seen miseries’s course
Understanding that her need of the hour was more than finding her way
The silent man just nodded to her helpless poignant display
And somehow grandma felt comforted in her thoughts and feelings
Whilst she was brought back to her path secured toward her home…
Now when she turned around to return an appreciating gesture
Gone was he this angel in radiant vesture
She paused to look up the path they’d come
There only remained a peaceful silence with a gratifying assurance!
Grandma imparted several secret excerpts from her vocal journal of life
Her tuneful expressions were so inspiring and at times entrancing
Even though life brought forth dingy tones eventful in disguise
She learned that she had to carry on no matter what was felt inside
When she ran out of solutions she strode bravely through her challenges
With discipline and self taught abilities which brought forth untold advantages…
Widowed early in life with 2 younger children to rear
Tragedy followed on additions after the demise of her oldest daughter fair
Watching them grieving the five orphans with no one to care
Grandma came to fend for these little ones in her living of meagre and bare
She followed them through with devotion and family prayer every night,
Every child and adult was sat when candles were lit around the icon of Lord Jesus Christ!
Grandma also spoke of a time of prosperity and grandeur that presented her from early life
Her ancestral horses and carriages and their property’s abounding pride
Of how she’d adorned knee long necklaces of gold and jewellery spellbinding
There lacked no dearth for the family’s mortal wanting
For in her younger days her sea green eyes and bronze hair shone like a doll
She was indeed praised for her fair face and her slender stature tall
Then there came plague and war and a devastating famine
With dead rats to dispose, deceased to bury and the village’s homes burning
There was starvation and communities walked over kilometres to fetch water
And collected wild amaranth and grains over laden sarees together
All historical facts she unfolded in her unique style with colour
It sent everyone into spherical modes of reliving the narration with atmospheric wonder
Grandma was forgiving and never vengeful
Her mantra for life was- ‘Make Life Meaningful’
She believed in being happy, and also that one needed to be active for life
In every little way work and laugh so as to balance the two, thus celebrating being alive
She always mentioned- ‘Idle times pile on illnesses and repercussions galore,
So choose a hobby to share and impart wisdom gained from yore’
Grandma succeeded in decluttering the negatives by focussing on the positives
And so taught the community to make most of life and to laugh out aloud!
She taught them to enjoy the little things that made their day
From bits of chocolate to traditional celebrations and folk music sways
From smiles that went grinning wide… to tolerance in families
And comforting those broken hearted by giving hope in weaker circumstances
Snapped out of my thoughts by a ‘hello’!
I turned around instantly to recognise a face with a furrow,
It was my old neighbour alive and grinning
She reminisced those happier days when grandma was alive, the neighbourly banter and those delightful evenings…
While some folks had moved away and some others departed
Yet some stayed put carrying on the spirit of ‘laughing’,
In the hope of imparting ‘the truth’ learnt and their graces,
Those vivid narrations of seeing life through another’s glasses,
Remembering a spirit so distinctive that made such strides,
There carries on grandma’s exuberant spirit and her infectious smile!!
-Dedicated to grandma Rosemary RIP🌟- July 2024
© Jeannette D’Souza | Copyright 2024 | jdsouza.uk