Inspirational Reflections

My uncle Cyril Carvalho takes inspiration from nature and from the kindness of human life.
He is a humanist and he treasures nature and everything that benefits human nature and our environment. I love his regular quotes which are meaningful, sensible and outright and they have provided me with some deep insights.

He simply says “My conscience inspires and guides me in everything I do and say….Kindness in words creates confidence, Kindness in thought creates insight, Kindness in deed creates love.”
There is no greater wisdom than kindness, for it impacts the lives of others!

Honest behavior is the foundation of peace of mind and bliss.
Dishonesty and lies lower your self — esteem. Honest behavior is the foundation of peace of mind and bliss.
Dishonesty and lies lower your self — esteem. 

Whenever a problem arises, approach the problem with this philosophy: this too shall pass; it is not the end of the world.

We must always be truthful and practice integrity.
Integrity is doing what is right even when no one is watching.

In life, we cannot choose the cards that are dealt to us, but we can always choose how we play the game.

It is high time we restore the values, known as the spirit of world ; brotherhood, love, co-operation, non-violence…, if not, our present artificial civilization will, like many of its predecessors, be washed away.

It’s not the colour of our skin that makes us different, it’s the colour of our thoughts.

To be peaceful, express gratitude, but do not expect gratitude. Receive gracefully and give gleefully.

A good Mother is nothing short of a guardian angel and the face of an invisible God for a child. She plays a colossal role in the development of her children. Let us truly honor our great Mothers !

Storms never last forever, and every storm is followed by a rainbow 🌈. Tough times make us strong in order to face troubles in life. In any situation try to be calm and relaxed. Think of the colours in the rainbow and keep smiling.

Words have power, so always weigh your words before speaking. Words can inspire and words can destroy. Choose yours well…

Love is recognized as Love only when we respect the feelings of others. Whether those feelings are right or wrong, appropriate or inappropriate… is secondary. Their primary need is to know that we care.

When a parent teaches his children positive and moral values, he is doing the most important duty a parent can perform. It would be totally absurd to leave the entire burden of teaching spiritual and moral values of society to schools.

Sometimes chance meeting with good old friends change the way we look at things. Often they enrich us with their views and teach us life lessons that are so profound.

When we go to God with gratitude and express our gratefulness,  it helps us focus on what we have and not on what we lack.  This breeds contentment and promotes well – being.

Everyone, from a new born to the oldest, have experienced love in one way or another. Love is the fabric of life, it’s the very thing that breathes life into us. Love alone understands the ways of love.

Storms never last forever, and every storm is followed by a rainbow 🌈. Tough times make us strong in order to face troubles in life. In any situation try to be calm and relaxed. Think of the colours in the rainbow and keep smiling.

Gratitude is like a precious ornament. It is not to be kept within the locker of our heart but to be worn, exhibited and revealed on the right occasions. Unexpressed gratitude is like an unused ornament of no avail to anyone.

Lantern of ethics and inner light.
Our inner light should be always shining like a Lantern and illuminate the consciousness of our mind. People who betray others actually betray their conscience and put out their inner light.

Having wisdom is more important than having logic. And wisdom comes from experience, humility and willingness to learn. If we keep this in mind, it would be a guiding factor throughout our life.

The wound of an arrow can be healed, but the wound of a harsh word can never be cured. So, always think twice before uttering harsh words.

Trees are living beings that clean up the air we breathe and provide so much–shade, homes for birds, fruits and beautiful flowers. We should plant as many trees as possible, and teach our children the advantages of plants and trees.

Storms never last forever, and every storm is followed by a rainbow 🌈. Tough times make us strong in order to face troubles in life. In any situation try to be calm and relaxed. Think of the colours in the rainbow and keep smiling.

The purpose of life is to love.
How well you live comes down to how much you love. The heart is wiser than the head. Honor it. Trust it. Follow it.

If children learn at an early age how to lead a life of love and affection, they will develop a positive attitude within themselves and be an asset to society later on in life.

A good Mother is nothing short of a guardian angel and the face of an invisible God for a child. She plays a colossal role in the development of her children. 

Let us truly honor our great Mothers !

Right values like honesty, integrity, faithfulness, humility, gratitude and empathy are very important when it comes to taking decisions. So always listen to your heart and do what is right.

The important aspect of politeness is to learn to speak with respect and courtesy. Saying please and thank you are important components of politeness. Genuine and sincere appreciation is what makes us polite.

Too often we under estimate the power of a kind word and a listening heart. Sending prayers and wishes is an act of kindness. Our world needs more kind people, than successful people. Each one of us should do our bit in whatever way we can and make a difference.

The moral values on how to be a good human being are not prescribed in any syllabus nor will they appear in any examination. But these are essential qualities we need, to do well in life. We should also teach our children the same values with love and affection.

A walk on the beach at sunrise can be very soothing and inspiring. The rising sun, cranes flying overhead, fishing boats returning to the shore and the sound of the waves. All this will leave you with memories that will last a lifetime.

Gratitude is like a precious ornament. It is not to be kept within the locker of our heart but to be worn, exhibited and revealed on the right occasions. Unexpressed gratitude is like an unused ornament of no avail to anyone.

Never take things for granted, value them.
Feel the sunshine that brightens your day.
Communicate to your loved ones how much you love them.
Thank your teachers and parents for gifting you this life.
Value your health.
Be thankful for the little things.
Play with kids.
There are an enormous number of gifts to which you can open your heart. Cherish them, live with them, love them and value them.

When you hurt people with your words, they don’t care for the meaning those words meant to convey. Frankness in itself is never a problem, it is the bluntness with which our frankness is expressed that causes the problem. Good communication will serve a relationship, improper communication will sever a relationship.

Whenever possible extend a helping hand, a smile, an empathetic nod, a hug – we just don’t know where and to what extent the ripple effect will be and above all, it will make us feel a little more beautiful about ourselves. Let us create fragrant and loving karmic circles in this world and play our part in creating a beautiful world !

Storms never last forever, and every storm is followed by a rainbow 🌈. Tough times make us strong in order to face troubles in life. In any situation try to be calm and relaxed. Think of the colours in the rainbow and keep smiling.

Always practice good habits like waking up early in the morning, exercising every day, having regular and timely meals, speaking softly and pleasantly with all, abstaining from getting angry and keeping away from bad habits.

In order to cope with stress, develop a positive attitude even during negative situations. Look at difficult situations in a positive way. Laughter and jokes help to reduce stress.

Love is a source of confidence, security, power and courage. Love can be towards another person, any living being, object or even oneself. Love is a necessity, not a luxury. The sacred and most purest form of love is the love of God and his creation. He knows what is good for us and will provide for us.

Every sunrise is a blessing – greet everyday with a smile. The best way to start your day on the right note is to think of something pleasant. When the first pitch in your day is good, you find goodness spreading all through your day.

A coconut tree remembers the water it received during its growth period and gives lifelong coconuts filled with the sweetest water for our benefit. Let us emulate the coconut tree, try to give more than we receive – in gestures, cash or deeds, and remain ever grateful. Say a prayer of gratitude every night before you sleep.

Mother Earth has gifted us with the bounties of nature for us to experience and enjoy them. There are enormous number of gifts to which you can open your heart. Don’t take things for granted thinking these will always remain in your life ! Cherish them, live with them, love them and value them.

We should encourage our children to always do what is right. They are the future… Allow them to blossom as they wish, just like a flower. We can only aid them by watering them and giving them the suitable conditions to shine.

A good gift that you can give someone is your precious time; that can change a simple day into a cherishable one and create wonderful memories in the album of one’s life.

All your life, make yourself accountable to these three questions.
They are,
Am I doing justice to my potential ?
Year after year, In how many more lives am I becoming useful ?
Day after day, Am I living my life in ways by which I am moving closer to my God ?

Feel the sunshine that brightens your day.
Communicate to your loved ones how much you love them.
Thank your teachers and parents for gifting you this life.
Value your health.
Be thankful for the little things.
Don’t take things for granted thinking these will always remain with you!
Cherish them, live with them, love them and value them.

– Uncle Cyril Carvalho


The parents who protected us, helped us through hard times and were once our rock of support, need us today at the dusk of their lives. Let’s become those protectors and comforters to them.

– Uncle Cyril Carvalho


Deep relationships are not built by making others understand you, but in giving others the confidence that you have understood them.
By communicating from your perspective, you win other’s mind.
By communicating from other’s perspective, you win their heart.

– Uncle Cyril Carvalho


A genuine smile plays a very important role in establishing trust and likability. Always be warm and friendly. A friendly and open personality is always attractive to other people.

– Uncle Cyril Carvalho


Affectionate kind words, a compassionate gentle touch, a peaceful happy atmosphere and tender loving care work miraculously with healing. Irrespective of Allopathy, Homeopathy or Naturopath, Empathy plays the most important role in treating patients.

– Uncle Cyril Carvalho


A good gift that you can give someone is your precious time. A good gift speaks the language of love. It should be a meaningful and memorable one that comes from the heart, is useful to the receiver and makes the giver feel good.

– Uncle Cyril Carvalho


We are human beings with feelings. We yearn for attention because it is the rarest and purest form of generosity. There is a childlike attitude existing deep within us. A person who is appreciated will do more than what is expected.

– Uncle Cyril Carvalho


Every moment, every encounter, every activity and every experience have within it an unspoken message. There is something even in nothing, and there is everything in something. Live consciously, moment by moment.

– Uncle Cyril Carvalho


A spiritual being is aware of his/her real identity of being a soul and a child of the Supreme soul and is aware of one’s true nature of being peaceful, pure, blissful loveful. When we play our worldly roles with this awareness, we live a truly spiritual life.

– Uncle Cyril Carvalho


Our ancestors were wise beings with a great sense of eye for detail. They designed and practiced their lives closer to nature, their activities and practices had a deeper significance. They designed festive customs for families to meet, bond, celebrate and laugh together.

– Uncle Cyril Carvalho


The vastness of the oceans and seas, the altitude of the mountains and valleys, the variety of the trees, flora and fauna, the birds and the bees, the animals and many creatures, the sun, moon and stars – everything created is one big present. Thank you Lord for creating a world so mighty and big, so beautiful and scenic !

– Uncle Cyril Carvalho


We do not live in a bad world. We live in a wonderful world. It’s just that the bad makes news. We definitely need more and more avenues through which the good too will begin to make noise and make a difference. Let us together impress the world and impress upon the world that our world is actually a good world… a very good world.
Good morning.

– Uncle Cyril Carvalho


Time is the most important resource of your life.
When you were born, you were given in excess of half- a- million hours of life.
What you do with these half-a-million hours will determine what you become in life.
Value Time and you will Value life.

– Uncle Cyril Carvalho


The joy that we generate for ourselves is in direct proportion to the joy we spread to others. It could be through a smile, a compliment, a consoling word or timely help. It could be in being patient, tolerant, gentle and forgiving. When we look beyond our circumstances and reach out to others in kindness we will end up having a good day ourselves.

– Uncle Cyril Carvalho


A good farmer will tell you – take care of the roots and the tree will take care of itself to a very large extent. Take care of your within and your without will reflect your within, and that will give lasting beauty. True beauty is not seen, it is felt.

– Uncle Cyril Carvalho


The more passionate you are, the more energy you will have.
There are people who can lift you up, and also pull you down. So spend time with positive minded people. Also visit places of worship and natural beauty spots to recharge your energy level in order to remain active and healthy.

– Uncle Cyril Carvalho


Life will not postpone our death. So let us not postpone our life.
There is no such thing as ‘one of these days’. Today is the day. If tomorrow comes, I will tell tomorrow, I’ve already done it yesterday.

– Uncle Cyril Carvalho


Great is the person to whom people can unhesitatingly approach and share their problems.  We can be great by making people feel grateful for us.  Let us grow from within and blossom as perfect human beings and create a better world.  A world full of love,  compassion and kindness.

– Uncle Cyril Carvalho


If you are good from within, your face will reflect the mesmerizing state of goodness. External beauty fades with time and inner beauty blossoms with time; outer beauty is an ‘ageing phenomenon’ and inner beauty is a growing phenomenon’.     

– Uncle Cyril Carvalho


Mother Nature provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs but not every man’s greed.

During this pandemic let us work with compassion to alleviate the suffering of fellow human beings.

– Uncle Cyril Carvalho


Moral science is not learnt as much from books as much as by watching those who live around us. What we leave for FOR our children (material abundance) is not as important as what we leave IN our children (moral and ethics). The lives of each one of us will either serve as a WARNING or as an EXAMPLE to the next generation.         

– Uncle Cyril Carvalho


Each one of us must live with integrity. Integrity is not just to do things right when nobody is looking, but it is also to do right when the whole world is against you. 

Let us celebrate integrity in every quantum level as it always leads to the greatest applause from the ultimate consciousness.

– Uncle Cyril Carvalho


Like a river, keep flowing with the flow. You were born choiceless, choose to flow abundantly and eventually you will merge with the source. In between, in the natural course of your flow, be as useful as you can be to one and all, like a river is… ensuring that you add significance to everything and everybody you meet on the way.

– Uncle Cyril Carvalho


Sometimes, we fail to recognize the surprises that are there before us. 

“Every day is a gift, and so it’s called the present!”

The vastness of the oceans and seas, the altitude of the mountains and valleys, the variety of the trees, flora and fauna, the birds and the bees, the animals in the forests, the sun, stars and the moon – everything created is one big present.

Thank you God for creating a world so mighty and big, so beautiful and scenic!            

– Uncle Cyril Carvalho


Too often we under estimate the power of a kind word and a listening heart. Sending silent prayers and wishes is an act of kindness. Any act of kindness, however small, can create an impact. Our world needs more kind people than successful people. Each one of us should do our bit whatever way we can, and make a difference.

– Uncle Cyril Carvalho


Your mind and heart should be the seat of your peace. Nothing at the cost of your peace. Everything for the sake of peace. Learn to let go, not in the physical sense, but in an emotional sense. Free yourself of any disturbing elements. Let go whatever. Let go whoever. Put your peace above everything. Your within should be a basket of fragrant flowers.

– Uncle Cyril Carvalho
